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Created with your Health in Mind
How I met Atomy

HemoHIM and COPD Emphysema

 I found that the hemohim improved my circulation and several aches and pains that I had went away.  I began to recommend hemohim to people who were suffering from different ailments. Most of them experienced improvement and were pleased with the results.  Then a year ago from last February, I  had to be admitted to the Hospital because I came down with Pneumonia.  I was a pack a day smoker for over 20 years.  I had to be put on oxygen and was told by the doctor that I had COPD and Emphysema.  He also told me that I would have to be on oxygen for the rest of my life because my oxygen level was down to 87%. I did not like that idea at all and decided to quit smoking and I did. After going home from the hospital I received a gift of a box of hemohim and at her recommendation I began to take 4 packs a day. I immediately began to feel better and my energy began to improve daily.  In a week I was able to go back to work.  I continued to take oxygen at night while sleeping and when I was at home.  I would get out of breath when exerting myself for the next three months. I went back to the doctor every 3 months and each time he would test my oxygen level. After 9 months my oxygen level was back up in the range of 92 to 94% and I was allowed to discontinue the oxygen. Since then my lungs have slowly improved to where now I don t get out breath as much and my energy has greatly improved.  I can't guarantee you will have the same results as this is just my personal experience.  Yours Truly, John Lewis

Rich's Testimony about HemoHIM


Rich H. shares his personal testimonial of how HemoHIM Plus helped with his Fibromyalgia. Before he could barely stand and walk, now he is ready to start bowling again. His quality of life is improving.

Kathryn’s Testimony about Atomy Skin Care

I have been using Atomy skin care 6-system & 4-system cleansing set for only 2 months and I absolutely loved it. Especially the BB cream, I call it the wonder cream. I have been looking for a brightening cream for some time to lighten the dark spots on my face & the BB cream did the trick. The dark spots near my eyebrow are gone, near my upper lip and cheeks have almost cleared up. My husband even noticed the difference & complimented the smooth texture & glow on my skin.

Before and After using Atomy Products



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